You might be subject to waste regulations without you always knowing. This creates a legal uncertainty about your business. The services of Recy’stem Pro guarantee the compliance of your company with regards to the regulations on waste.

Step 1: The regulatory compliance audit
Recy’stem Pro can carry out an audit of the situation of your company vis-à-vis the regulatory requirements and then ensure your compliance at the ADEME level.

Step 2: Registration in the ADEME National Producers Registry
Your company, as a producer of waste subject to the Extended Producer Responsibility (WEEE, batteries and accumulators, packaging, textiles … etc) has the obligation to register to the ADEME and to communicate annually the quantities put on the market and the quantities collected and treated.
Recy’stem Pro offers to make these reports on your behalf.

Step 3: Recurrent management of regulatory obligations
Once the company is compliant, the regulations impose recurring obligations:
• Annual reports of the quantities placed on the market
• Annual reports of tonnages of waste collected / treated
Recy’stem Pro provides all these reports on your behalf, as well as a regulatory watch which Is essential in this domain.