The Extended Producer Responsibility is the implementation of the “polluter-pays” principle.

It applies to several categories of waste: WEEE, batteries and accumulators, packaging, textiles, refrigerants, used tires … etc.

It implies that the company that places a product on the market which submitted to the EPR (manufacturer, distributor, importer), takes charge of the management of the end of life of this product.

Depending on the types of waste, this management obligation may be solely financial or extended to operational management (collection and treatment of the products).
In all cases, marketers have administrative obligations and must:
• Register with ADEME (SYDEREP Registry)
• Report annual volumes of products placed on the market, collected, recycled

Finally, for the implementation of their obligations, marketers can either join a Compliance Scheme or set up an individual solution (individual take back scheme).
This latter solution presents in many cases a real advantage on the financial aspects as well as the administrative management of the service.